Wednesday 30 June 2010

Is Plastic Always Fantastic?

This is a subject which is close to my heart for those who know me, lets face it ladies, there’s something on all of us that we don’t like and if you haven’t already had it sucked, tucked, nipped and jabbed then the thought has probably crossed your mind.

There’s certain do’s and don’ts when it comes to the old knife, such as if you’re a man forget it or if your best your friends husband who is practising to be a surgeon offers to do those pesky varicose veins on the kitchen table run as fast as your patterned legs can carry you.

However if you do have a nose like a penguin and a chin that’s so long it catches on your tops when you take them off then you should already be on a waiting list. Don't get me wrong if you don;t like something get it fixed, but have it done properly.

Anyway I decided to give you the best and worst of some of Hollywoods silicone sisters complete with commentary.

I adore this cute as a button nose job, Cameron claimed she couldn't breath through her nose hence the assistance, you don't need an excuse

Nothing tickles me more than seeing Royalty getting more than a helping hand, Queen Silvia of Sweden ticked boxes for fillers, she's not aged in 20 years.

Kisses from Siberia

If your on a budget do not hang out the side of your convertible doing 90mph down the motorway for the wind swept effect . . .

It's one thing trying to look like your idol it's another going for an inflated version of . .

If one surgeon says no, don't go to another and offer more money, you will end up looking like an old age lady boy.

When asked what look your going for don't bring up Disney's images of The Lion King

And finally Daddy's money only ever buys square implants . . .

Portia Barbie Shaw x

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