With a crucial game looming (or so my daily source of GMTV tells me) I expect tensions are high. For those who are also unequipped in football knowledge, apparently England will be knocked out if they don't win on Wednesday.
So with the chance of it being a final game, should be an opportunity for a lady to dress up for the occasion.
I was reading an article on Vogue.com the other day about having your native nails done to show your support. I agree with Sharon and think they're fabulous, although some of the other countries have prettier flags.. Maybe I'll show my support for Serbia, they did well in Eurovision didn't they..?

Wearing something red or white and strikingly English looking would maybe distract from the Serbian nails...
I was thinking, the world cup won't be for another 4 years and I'll be scarily almost 30... So do it right, now ladies.
Jenny xx
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