Friday, 30 July 2010
Reid Peppard's Taxidermy Accessories

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Sketchbook Pop-Up Shop
Based on 3 floors Sketchbook have created an amazing space to show you the public exactly what goes on in a live fashion shoot. Make-up, hair and styling all happening live before your very own eyes.
All shoots are going on to various magazines which will know doubt be blogged by the various Fashion Queens who have all made an appearance there.
I quote – “Express your creative desire by writing on balloons, models and even walls. Your innovation is unlimited!” So if there is something you want to get off your chest head on down to Kingly Court now. Cupcakes included!

What does Jen smell like?

Well it comes as no surprise that Jennifer Aniston has launched her own perfume. It has been ages since she did a movie...Portia chimes in "it was the one with the dog?!"According to DailyMail, Lolavie "roughly" means laughing at life. Err, doesn't that kind of add fuel to fire? I think we all sympathize with Jen when tabloids speculate about her every move. But I'm sure you've noticed the massive PR effort from Jen's peeps to demonstrate she's on top of her game, happier now then ever in her life. I'm not sold, are you?
Perhaps, I'm missing something. Who out there is a fan of Celebrity perfume, like the ones below? And do these designers smell like their signature scents, I wonder.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1295876/Jennifer-Aniston-goes-girl-door-sexy-vamp-new-perfume-ads.html#ixzz0uyVyaTZW
Friday, 23 July 2010
To Burqa or not to Burqa?

I’m all about free living, gay, straight, black, white, fat thin and a few transgendered beings just to shake the system up. No-one should tell you how to live your life as long as your not on some murder rampage or spying or little children . . . then you should be killed with a spoon slowly. But I really am in two minds over the Burqa debate, you have one side of the Muslim female community who want to wear their Burqa’s as their proud of their religion and what they believe in and good for them. Then there’s the other half who are forced to wear them, what kind of a life is that seeing this world we life in through a slit of fabric.
On a daily basis I see Burqa’s floating past Harvey Nichols and getting out of the back of their chauffer driven Bentleys. They don’t look like they have a care in the world and every now and then you’ll see a glimpse of next seasons Gucci stiletto poke out the bottom of their Swarovski encrusted Burqa . . .
Infact as a community (of which I am very sheltered to) these woman seem to the height of glamour as they laugh their way into Boodles occasionally raising an immaculate brow to the security to ensure they don’t let anyone else in while their shopping. I went on a trip to Morocco a couple of years ago and whilst in Marrakech it was encouraged that I wore a scarf over my head, this didn’t exactly gel well with me however through gritted teeth I covered my fabulous face so I could blend in with the crowd. Suffocating doesn’t come near it i just wanted to wear what i was comfortable in but respecting other peoples culture is of importance so not to offend.
France has banned the Burqa and Italy followed this trend and for a change England is considering joining forces with this idea. But what are we setting ourselves up for? Will we become a target for terrorist bombing or will we just put of Muslims (I am referring to those who have arrived here legitimately through visa’s and who spend vast amounts of money in this country!) from setting up home here and becoming part of our struggling economy.
I don’t necessarily think we should ban the Burqa but have rule of our own where you only wear it if you want to, I feel for these woman who are forced to wear it and perhaps that’s what should be banned rather than a countries culture. Many of the worlds finest designers have a line targeted for Muslim woman celebrating their lifestyle choices and perhaps we to should start looking at things through fresh eyes.
Portia x
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Feliz Cumpleanos Oscar!

Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Commuter Fashion Faux Pas
However, it appears that this doesn’t apply to weekday train journeys. By the time the 8:46 chugs into Gidea Park station I am left with some classic examples of train fashion gone wrong.
My BIGGEST bugbear is the suit wearer who believes it is completely acceptable to pair his expensive pinstripe number with the dirtiest, scruffiest, nastiest backpack he owns. To be fair I mock briefcases in equal measures (what do they put in there? A packet of crisps? A copy of The Sun?....the mind boggles) but it is marginally more acceptable than the offensive sports/office fusion which I am spotting an increasing amount of on the Shenfield to Liverpool Street service.
I let him off a little bit as he is riding a bike!
My other major problem is with the ladies. Ok, I get it that you walk the 20 minute journey from your house to the station every morning. I understand this would not be enjoyable in 5 inch heels but seriously, do my eyes need to be offended by the Asics running shoes you insist on wearing with your poo brown pencil skirt and matching double breasted jacket. In short, the answer is no!
My final moan is at those who wear sunglasses on the tube! The London Underground is known for well, quite frankly being underground, that means there is no sunlight that will meet your sensitive pupils. You are officially UV ray safe! Unless you are blind, have a severe case of conjunctivitis or have ‘accidently’ walked into a door there is no excuse for this behaviour. Take them off and deal with the unflattering strip lighting like the rest of us.*
Thank you and goodnight
Lauren xxx
* Note to reader. Obviously when chronically hungover or high sunglasses are perfectly acceptable on tubes!
Monday, 19 July 2010


SIS by Spijkers en Spijkers

Yesterday saw the end of Amsterdam Fashion Week, and what a great week it was, showcasing the best in Dutch fashion.
Spijkers en Spijkers opened AIFW with the launch of their subsidiary line SIS. The Dutch twins, known for showing in London and Milan quoted “We wanted to make something more accessible, more for daily wear.”
The collection told a story about a sailor girl who fell deeply in love with the captain, as Enya's 'Sail Away' song played in the background.
The Dutch fashion crowd filled the huge tent to capacity, suited and booted in black tie as the first evening took place.

Jenny xx